Hello, friends! Only 7 more sleeps and then, it’s Christmas! It’s hard to believe it’s almost the end of the year. This year sure flew by!
If you have been following TTLP for a while, you know Gingerbread Decorating is our favorite family tradition. It went from full party set ups to smaller decorating stations only because I decided to start making it easy on myself as this is the busiest time of the year as a content creator. I had quite a few deadlines to meet for my partnerships in the last few weeks, but I couldn’t skip our Annual Gingerbread House Decorating fun!
Every year, our elves surprise the kids with Gingerbread House Kits. They always look forward to waking up in the morning one day and check to see if the elves brought their houses. The elves normally bring them around the second week of December. It’s becoming a tradition now and something they look forward to. My daughter even screams “The bought them at Target!” ha!
This year, we kept it very simple just like last year’s decorating station. I gather all our decorating essentials and put Christmas balloon ornaments together the night before. It’s an easy & fun project. They worked perfectly as our station backdrop.
We started our decorating right before lunch time in my studio so I could take pictures to share with you of course. My husband played holiday songs to get us in the spirit. The kids got very excited!
I love seeing the progress each year. My daughter is now 4 and you can totally see how her decorating skills have improved. I remember having to squeeze the bag of icing for her as she was not strong enough to do it on her own. This year she refused any type of help “I can do it. I don’t need any help.”
My son turned 9 last month (How did that happen? I won’t blink from now on). As he was decorating his house, candies were falling from it, he said he felt like being part of one of the episodes of Nailed it. Too funny!
There’s no decorating party without sweets. I simply decorated cupcakes using star candles I had in my inventory. I also made reindeer cookies, which are the perfect treats to enjoy with tea or hot cocoa. They turned out so cute I decided to share the tutorial on a separate post.
The kids were super proud of their creations and the houses are now being displayed in our dining area.
I hope you feel inspired to set up your own Gingerbread Decorating Station this year. There’s still time, friends! You make the kids very happy!
All photos styled and photographed by Andressa Hara, creative director of Twinkle Twinkle Little Party
Partyware: Jollity & Co